Chamber singers sing National Anthem at U of MN
Photo by Becki Zender
The Crosby-Ironton Chamber Singers, under the direction of Daniel Olson, were asked to sing the National Anthem at the University of Minnesota Men’s Basketball home opener last Tuesday against Cleveland State. The Golden Gophers won the contest 85-50 at Williams Arena. Pictured in the front row, left to right are: Meghan Barna, Isabella Severson, Anne Flemming, Paige Westin, Melanie Severson, Emma Stokman, Monica Stockman, Teresa Goodwin, Jasmine Siliznoff and Anna Carlson. Back row: Olson, Sam Smith, Carter Wooden, Leland Adams, Merrick Adams, Sven Gustafson, Logan Rasmussen, Isaac Turner, Connor Zender, Justin Othoudt and Emma Sanford.